New Innovations in Navigating Root Canals Using the Latest Apex Locators and Endo Motors
Presenter: Dr. Aaron Welk
Release Date: 11/29/18
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 11/29/28
AGD Subject Code: 070
Reviewed: 2025
Few areas in dentistry have seen more technological advancements in the past 25 year than in endodontics. Rotary instrumentation and length determination using electronic apex locators are part of this arena. New endo motors with apex locator is one of the latest technological advancements that streamlines chairside efficiency. These cordless handpieces incorporate new technology that help to improve the efficiency and predictability of contemporary root canal procedures. This CE webinar will review these features and strategies to approaching clinical cases while using this new endodontic rotary technology.
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